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A work that aspires, however humbly, to the condition of art should carry its justification in every line.
-- Joseph Conrad

The Story of "Iris"

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I'm doing something I haven't done before, which is to collaborate on a painting with someone. In this case, I do this with my wife.

This is the largest painting I've ever done (11 x 14), and this is just a section of it. I love the early stages of a painting when it's rough and doesn't look like much. It hints at the direction it's going. The subject emerges with each stroke.

It's also interesting to collaborate. When I met Tamara, she swore that she had no artistic ability. I took the time to show her how to see the subject, how to mix paint. Later, she painted a series of rather large oak leaves for place settings at my birthday and she did a beautiful job. In fact, everyone at the table thought hers was better than the example I gave her.

And so we paint. It's not something we can do concurrently. I go, then she goes, then I go.

As for me, I've finally found a spot in the house in which I'm comfortable painting. I've had to change some of my methods to make it work. I've purchased some large canvases on which to paint. My next painting will be 24" x 48". That's quite a jump in size for me.

I'll post the final result of our teamwork in the next week.


Read the whole story of "Iris"
by Brett Rogers, 4/28/2007 10:22:45 AM



One flower is finished. On to the next one.

We're maybe a third of the way done.


Read the whole story of "Iris"
by Brett Rogers, 4/28/2007 6:01:52 PM

Almost - Iris


Working on the last flower - the big one in front.

We've roughed it in. Small brushwork next... then detail and finesse on the grass and we're done.

This work is too big for the scanner. I had to scan it in pieces and then line it up. How will I take a picture of the 24" x 48" painting that's up after this one?


Read the whole story of "Iris"
by Brett Rogers, 4/28/2007 11:20:08 PM




Read the whole story of "Iris"
Tags: my painting
by Brett Rogers, 5/1/2007 12:44:47 AM

New - Iris Wallpaper


Over my lunch break today, I created wallpaper from the recent Iris painting that Tamara and I did.

You can download it at the beatcanvas store. It's available in 1280 x 1024, 1024 x 768, and 800 x 600. And, of source, it's free.


Read the whole story of "Iris"
by Brett Rogers, 5/29/2007 2:39:48 PM