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Drawn on my Verizon LG Dare Drawing Pad:

One of the things I like about drawing on my phone is that it gives me the opportunity to practice my art anytime I like.

This is a woman I saw in a magazine.

This is a man who was seated in the airplane one row up and across the aisle from me when I flew to Vegas last month.

To me, art is: the practice of seeing things as they really are and communicating that to others in an attractive way. Which is why I think that there should be an art class devoted to teaching business people how to paint and draw.

Take the woman I drew above: in as few lines as possible, how do I communicate her warmth?

The man: how do I give the sense of him to you, the viewer?

Business people need to see facts all of the time. Instead of making assumptions, how do you break those down and try to see it as though for the first time?

I'll teach that class someday, I think. It's something I deeply believe in.

(You can sign up to have a new drawing sent to you daily by picture message.)


Read the whole story of "Cell Phone Art"
Tags: LG Dare Art | Verizon
by Brett Rogers, 11/16/2008 11:05:00 AM


Your view on art (drawing/painting) is the opposite of how I view photography (black and white, my favevorite). I always looked at greyscale as a way to see things with the obvious taken away. Take a normal object, say an apple. Photograph it and convert to greyscale then enhance using color channels in photoshop (similar to color filters used when developing b&w prints to enhance certain colors in their greyscale world) and you have the shape of an apple yet a whole new way of looking at it.

Just an observation.

I remember an interview I once read with Sting. He was asked about his song writing (this was during the police era) and why some songs were so sparse. His answer was simply that it allowed the listener room to fill in the space with their own ideas. To suck them into the music, so to speak. The drawings above do that for me.

I enjoy your phone art very much as well as the other folks offerings you've posted.



Posted by Kelly, 11/17/2008 4:30:10 PM

"...a way to see things with the obvious taken away."

I love that! I'll be thinking about that quite a bit...

You mean like a way to flatten everything? Equalize the importance of what's in the picture?

There was a black and white picture I posted a while back of a woman in Old Navy.

I titled it "Life Somewhere Else."

In the color version, her facial expression wasn't really emphasized, but the grayscale image brought that out completely. She was totally not at Old Navy, but Calgon'd her way out of the there mentally. And the posters in the background stood out more.

Like that?

What a great train of thought you've swept me into...



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 11/17/2008 5:11:17 PM

"You mean like a way to flatten everything? Equalize the importance of what's in the picture?"

Yea, that's a good take on it.

In the photo above you notice the shapes and tones. The whole picture becomes the playing field. If it were color you'd probably notice the red shirt or the brightly colored walls more than the subject. In essence, it'd be a snapshot. Something you see every day.



Posted by Kelly, 11/18/2008 12:59:11 AM

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