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If writers were good businessmen, they'd have too much sense to be writers.
-- Irvin S. Cobb


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Before you scroll down further, take a guess - what is this?

Did you guess a face?

Scroll down and see the whole picture... how about now?

It's weird how we're wired to know a face when we see one. In the drawing above, it's a bunch of multi-colored splotches. But we make sense of it as a face...

Computers will never touch that capability. But then they will never mistake a strange pattern on a grilled cheese sandwich for the Virgin Mary either.

ETC: After reading the story and sleeping on it, I knew that I'd heard of before. You see, is an Antigua-based online casino. They bought that grilled cheese sandwich off eBay.

But that's not all that they bought from people selling unusual items on eBay:

  • Remember the father who sold his kids' Christmas presents on eBay? bought them.
  • They bought an "authentic" plate from the Titanic from a homeless man.
  • eBay's first "haunted" item, a cane said to be inhabited by a ghost.
  • The ex-wife of baseball's Jeff Bagwell sold 30 days of advertising space on her cleavage to
  • A pregnant woman sold the advertising on her belly to the online casino.
And so on...

Follow the link. They pay less than $100,000 per item and get controversial items that end up in the "Odds and Ends" news around the world. It's relatively free marketing. Genius.

I wonder if they'll buy my art??


Tags: ebay
by Brett Rogers, 2/17/2005 4:34:35 PM


That is very strange that they bought all.that.stuff.
I like all the spin-off from the grilled cheese..last time I tooled around on there I found a hot-pocket with a picture of the devil on it. AND PEOPLE WERE BIDDING ON IT!!! Well, it ~did~ have a great silly story to go along with it. Maybe you should start painting iconography on food items...get busy. :D
Love the new site, by the way. I have been out of the loop over the past few days getting some other junk wrapped up. Ick. It never ends!!!



Posted by Laura, 2/18/2005 12:06:30 PM

Thanks, Laura! By the way, I love the picture of the day site. That's awesome.

And I've never roller-bladed, but I ddeply respect your husband for doing so. That man is brave!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 2/20/2005 11:21:23 PM

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