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You get your intuition back when you make space for it, when you stop the chattering of the rational mind. The rational mind doesn't nourish you. You assume that it gives you the truth, because the rational mind is the golden calf that this culture worships, but this is not true.
-- Anne Lamott


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Before you scroll down further, take a guess - what is this?

Did you guess a face?

Scroll down and see the whole picture... how about now?

It's weird how we're wired to know a face when we see one. In the drawing above, it's a bunch of multi-colored splotches. But we make sense of it as a face...

Computers will never touch that capability. But then they will never mistake a strange pattern on a grilled cheese sandwich for the Virgin Mary either.

ETC: After reading the story and sleeping on it, I knew that I'd heard of before. You see, is an Antigua-based online casino. They bought that grilled cheese sandwich off eBay.

But that's not all that they bought from people selling unusual items on eBay:

  • Remember the father who sold his kids' Christmas presents on eBay? bought them.
  • They bought an "authentic" plate from the Titanic from a homeless man.
  • eBay's first "haunted" item, a cane said to be inhabited by a ghost.
  • The ex-wife of baseball's Jeff Bagwell sold 30 days of advertising space on her cleavage to
  • A pregnant woman sold the advertising on her belly to the online casino.
And so on...

Follow the link. They pay less than $100,000 per item and get controversial items that end up in the "Odds and Ends" news around the world. It's relatively free marketing. Genius.

I wonder if they'll buy my art??


Tags: ebay
by Brett Rogers, 2/17/2005 4:34:35 PM


That is very strange that they bought all.that.stuff.
I like all the spin-off from the grilled cheese..last time I tooled around on there I found a hot-pocket with a picture of the devil on it. AND PEOPLE WERE BIDDING ON IT!!! Well, it ~did~ have a great silly story to go along with it. Maybe you should start painting iconography on food items...get busy. :D
Love the new site, by the way. I have been out of the loop over the past few days getting some other junk wrapped up. Ick. It never ends!!!



Posted by Laura, 2/18/2005 12:06:30 PM

Thanks, Laura! By the way, I love the picture of the day site. That's awesome.

And I've never roller-bladed, but I ddeply respect your husband for doing so. That man is brave!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 2/20/2005 11:21:23 PM

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