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In your writing, be strong, defiant, forbearing. Have a point to make and write to it. Dare to say what you want most to say, and say it as plainly as you can. Whether or not you write well, write bravely.
-- Bill Stout

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Ever lie in the grass and just enjoy life?


Tags: tyler
by Brett Rogers, 10/31/2007 1:03:44 AM

Senior Pictures


Our two boys are graduating this year. I went out tonight and took their senior pictures.

Nick's turned out well. I'm pleased with the results.

Tyler's pictures showed more of his style. The next one isn't so much a senior picture as it is just a good picture.

And this:

His grass shots will probably be his senior pictures...

It was cool to do this with them. We might shoot some more later in a different light.


Tags: nick | tyler | my life
by Brett Rogers, 10/10/2007 8:35:41 PM