I was surprised to have the response that I did to my de-pluralizer. A few people said that they enjoy that sort of thing, so I've created an online word game for you here at beatcanvas.com. Here's how it works... beatcanvas.com has a list of 3,777 5-letter words from which to choose. It chooses one of them. You have to guess it by using other 5-letter words. The web site will compare your word against the beatcanvas.com word and then score it for you, by telling you how many letters you have guessed right, and of those, how many are in the right place within the word. So for example, if the beatcanvas.com word was "LLAMA" and you guessed "LEMON," then you would have 2 letters right (L-M) and 1 in the right place, or 2-1. Want to play? Go here... you'll be able to go right to it in the future by clicking on "Play a Word Game" in the menu at left. It's little things like these that are the reason I wrote my own blogger instead of using Blogger itself or Typepad. |