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Writing is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living. The writer experiences everything twice: one in reality and once more in the mirror which waits always before and behind him.
-- Donald Murray

Blog Posts for "christmas"

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Merry Christmas 2007


We had the most beautiful Christmas ever. It was a personal best for me.

Here's Christmas Eve...

And then a few hours later, after everyone had gone to bed and Santa had arrived...

Eight kids, and more fun than you can shake a stick at.

We hope you had a wonderful time as well :)


1 Comment
Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/25/2007 8:26:18 PM

Five Days Until Christmas


When we got home from the hospital yesterday, we were greeted by a box of things from my in-laws, and inside were two hand-made cards from my nieces.

This was done by Sophia, an astonishing child of many gifts who tickles me every time I talk to her.

And this was done by Savannah, who has a heart of gold and is a gem of a young lady.

Both girls have shared their art with me in the past and they're both extraordinarily talented. To have received their cards means the world to me.

Which goes to show that it's not the size or expense of the gift that matters at all, but the amount of soul you put into it.

I encourage you to take from Sophia's and Savannah's examples, and do something personal for someone this Christmas. You might touch someone in a very memorable way.

Here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/20/2007 10:56:15 AM

Christmas in Six Days


A little tired, I'm writing a quick Christmas post for the day. I brought my wife home from the hospital today. She had a procedure done. Everything's cool, and so my post tonight centers on one thing:

Christmas is about grabbing those you love and wrapping yourself up in the warmth and joy of them and loving them as much as you can right back.

Here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/19/2007 10:32:39 PM

1 Week Until Christmas


Here's a time-wasting Christmas game for you. It's about decorating a tree and sorting out ornaments. I highly recommend it to PR, who was stalwart in getting the fam a new tree this year. This will help you practice.

Here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/18/2007 4:46:13 AM

Eight Days Until Christmas


Want Christmas movies? WNBC lists 30 of the best and worst:

In order:

  1. A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
  2. Home Alone (1990)
  3. Jingle All The Way (1996)
  4. A Christmas Story (1983)
  5. It's A Wonderful Life (1946)
  6. Elf (2003)
  7. Surviving Christmas (2004)
  8. The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (1971)
  9. A Nightmare Before Christmas (2000)
  10. Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas (1992)
  11. Santa Clause 2 (2002)
  12. How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
  13. This Christmas (2007)
  14. Ernest Saves Christmas (1988)
  15. Christmas With The Kranks (2004)
  16. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
  17. Jack Frost (1998)
  18. Black Christmas (1974)
  19. Benji's Very Own Christmas Story (1978)
  20. All I Want For Christmas (1991)
  21. A Diva's Christmas Carol (2000)
  22. Bad Santa (2004)
  23. A Boyfriend For Christmas (2004)
  24. The Christmas Star (1986)
  25. Christmas Comes To Willow Creek (1987)
  26. Prancer Returns (2001)
  27. Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983)
  28. Miracle On 34th Street (1994)
  29. Christmas In Wonderland (2007)
  30. Rudolph The Red-Rosed Reindeer (1964)

And here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/17/2007 11:33:20 AM

Nine Days Until Christmas


This morning, I found a little known Christmas fact...

While the 3 Kings get most of the credit for bearing gifts and traverse afar, it was the 3 Princesses who did the packing, arranged for the camels, got the map (really King, you're going to rely on a star? What are your plans for the daytime?) and of course, shopped for the baby.
Ain't that the truth. If it was up to the guy, baby Jesus would have received a squirt gun and a lottery ticket purchased from the corner convenience store in the early morning of the blessed day.

Here's today's Christmas picture:

And here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/16/2007 12:48:59 PM

Ten Days Until Christmas


Want a funny Christmas joke? Read it here.

It's the weekend... got all your shopping done? Don't delay - get out there now!

Here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/15/2007 3:48:41 AM

Christmas in Eleven Days


Today, I read about LucasFilm sending out unique Christmas cards every year. For example, check this out:

That's mighty cool. I want one...

Here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/14/2007 7:28:51 PM

Christmas in Twelve Days


Did you know that Santa keeps a blog? Evidently so... and on it, you can learn 100 things about Santa that you never knew. Such as:

91. I secretly wish I could be on Survivor (It just wouldn't be fair for me to be on Amazing Race)
It's a good read... Santa put a lot of effort into that.

And, the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/13/2007 3:41:24 PM

Christmas in Thirteen Days


Tamara is the most Christmas-ful person I know. I came home one day and our home was tastefully overflowing with wreaths and lights and stockings and the smell of pine. Here's our Christmas tree:

Which is about the happiest Christmas tree that I've ever seen.

I've never really been a holiday person, but a startling transformation took place this year. I think I absorbed Tamara's transcendent joy about the holidays. I'm now excited about Christmas.

I've resolved to browse around the web each day until Christmas and find the happiest, funniest blog posts about Christmas that I can. It's my geeky way of being festive.

So the first post I highlight belongs to my friend, Annette, in her Christmas Q & A. She says, in question #5:

5. When do you put your decorations up?
Around Thanksgiving. By "around" I mean at the earliest possible time after Halloween.
The rest of it is just as snappy. She gets the prize for Miss Christmas Congeniality... as you'll see in her answer to question #21.


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/12/2007 10:57:39 PM