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Whether we are describing a king, an assassin, a thief, an honest man, a prostitute, a nun, a young girl, or a stallholder in a market, it is always ourselves that we are describing. -- Guy De Maupassant
If McCain pulls it out, tonight was the turnaround. The media, sneering at the Alaska bumpkin who was heavily edited to support their meme, got one-upped big-time by the unedited, smiling, freedom-loving governor from Alaska in a debate where she eagerly outshone an eternal Washingtonian.
Truth? Katie Couric wouldn't recognize it if it pinched her formerly perky cheeks.
Oh, one other thing - my odds of an attempt to replace Biden with Hillary: 3 to 1. But... after this, because you know that she and Bill watched this, you know that Hillary doesn't want to go up against Palin.
Last point: Palin will run the campaign from here forward. Her and the First Dude. Because when she is front and center and talking to us (step aside Ms. Ifill), things happen. McCain's leadership shows once again that he's not afraid to hire someone better than himself. Hopefully, she rubs off on her running mate. And hopefully, Obama finds it necessary to distractedly go after Palin. He's gonna have to, because she's gonna go after him.
About three weeks ago, I implemented the ability on my web site for people to sign up for my daily LG Dare art and receive it by picture message on their phone. I have 14 people who receive it daily now, and one who signed up for it today, a guy named Blake, is also an artist.
How cool is that?
Drawn on Blake's Verizon LG Dare Drawing Pad:
He's just getting started with it, and his first effort is certainly a good one, so when he sends them to me, I'll include them in my daily post as well.
So here's my thought: it would be oh so cool if a group of about ten artists traded their work, created on their phone, with each other. Ever heard of that before? Me neither. In fact, I think, after Googling it, I'm the first person in the world to try and use his phone as a persistent artistic platform. The more, the merrier, I say.
Blake sent me this in email when he subscribed:
After watching your youtube video on your dare art I was inspired. I love to try new things so being an artistic, musical, (right brained person) i decided to do one of my own. I noticed that my style of art was very simular to yours. I would like to send you the picture of it. It didnt take me very long and yes i do agree that the limited colors make it hard to contrast objects. I just wanted to suggest maybe putting a fan art gallery area on your site. I think that it would be very interesting to see other methods of art on the dare with such limitations from people everywhere.
Yes, it would. So let's see how influential we can be to get LG or Verizon to increase the palette. And maybe add a smudge tool, for blending.
Cool day :)
(You can sign up to have a new drawing sent to you daily by picture message.)
And I hated it. As a result, I didn't display it on the site.
Now sometimes when drawing on my cell phone, the limited colors makes it really difficult to do some images. And you can tell that by what I did, because I can draw and do art on the Dare, but there was nothing to like about that couch.
I experimented and found that I can expand the palette by using the rainbow tool. The colors change as you draw, but if you time it right, you can get turquoise, orange, and a bit of a purple.
Here's a video showing the progression of the revised (re-upholstered) couch.
And the finished drawing:
The limitation in colors is still a bit of a challenge, but it helps me render a better result, so I'm happy with that.
For now...
I want to see if I can influence LG to expand the Drawing Pad application to include the ability to create my own palettes and offer a blending effect. If I can get that, it's wide open.