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-- Bulwer-Lytton


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Back in July, I told myself I could not pick up a brush until I finished this project, and now that I am just about there, every part of me craves the relief of switching gears and using my somewhat-neglected right-brain.

In mentally preparing myself for that wonderful wonderful day, I've been thinking...

Do I like this approach?

Or do I like this approach?

The first is an early table-setting sketch. Took about 15 minutes.

The second is my final pass after a few days of very detailed work.

I like both, but in truth, I kind of prefer the rougher version. It has more emotion for me.

So in getting back into it, I think I might just do a bunch of rough pieces to reorient myself to that way of seeing (because painting is not so much about what I do with my hands as what I do with my eyes).

Part of me keeps asking from the back seat, "Are we there yet??"


Tags: my life
by Brett Rogers, 12/9/2007 4:27:22 PM


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