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Job One


Business is a triangle of management, employees, and customers.

Each has a job to do.

Management provides tools and materials to employees.
Employees serve customers' needs and requests.
Customers give something to management.

And no, it's not just dollars.

Customers give their desires and opinions to management. Or at least they want to. Customers cry out for management's attention. Customers want management to listen.

Customers bid for response.

The thing is that management doesn't always do a good job of listening, and generally, when they are listening, they do a poor job of showing it.

The companies most loved are those that listen to customers and then show that they listen. Customers reward management with loyalty.

Listening is the first and most important job in any company.


Tags: business | listening
by Brett Rogers, 6/15/2007 1:24:32 AM


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