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In a longish life as a professional writer, I have heard a thousand masterpieces talked out over bars, restaurant tables and love seats. I have never seen one of them in print. Books must be written, not talked.
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Palm Tree Sketch


Last fall, I was in Georgia visiting my future in-laws and while sitting poolside, I broke out a brush and tried sketching one of the palm trees in the backyard.

This sketch was just a partial work because I was only after capturing the unique texture of a palm tree, but with grass, hair, leaves, and other complex subjects, it's tough to get texture right. It's a balance between approximation and exactness. There are some folks who do very well with it. I've never really painted clouds or trees. I've had to tackle grass and hair. But maybe I'll try a detailed cloud setting soon just to take a whack at it.


by Brett Rogers, 5/5/2007 6:25:26 PM


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