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Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade, just as painting does, or music. If you are born knowing them, fine. If not, learn them. Then rearrange the rules to suite yourself.
-- Truman Capote


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In the new web site (that's still under construction), I'm making free desktop wallpaper of some of my artwork available.

Check it out!


by Brett Rogers, 4/9/2007 8:30:28 PM


YAY! The cat picture! I love that one, and it's far more tasteful and artsy than the current picture I have of the real Bella on my desktop! You are quite generous to do this.



Posted by Bella, 4/10/2007 12:18:24 PM

You know, that's also the wallpaper I have on my desktop at work now. I love that picture... for some reason, the original never sold, but I'm hoping that I can change that with the revised web site.

I'm so glad that you like that I'm making these available :)



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 4/10/2007 12:47:46 PM

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