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Sketch of the Day


It's not often that I have a difficult day at work. But today started out with a heated discussion and then the morning slid from there. Lunch, which is my painting break, was a very, very welcome respite and started a nice turn-around for me.

On lunch, I wanted to work more on folds of clothing and monochromatic shading, so I typed "woman coat" into Google images and for some reason, a picture of children came up. The girl in the picture was so delighted and happy that I wanted to absorb her mood.

She felt like sunshine to me, so I tried yellow. I like the result. It fit her well.

You can click on her if you want to see the source photo.

And from there on out, the day was great.

Tonight, I should turn on the Graffiti portion of the site. Let's see how far I get.


Tags: sketch | painting
by Brett Rogers, 3/30/2005 7:34:54 PM


It radiates sunshine and happiness. How could you not be delighted and taken back to a simplier place just by looking at the painting? You captured the image very well, right down to the missing tooth. You, as a person, really comes through in your paintings.



Posted by Shantyl, 3/31/2005 9:30:50 AM

That is such a nice thing to say, Shantyl. Thank you!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 3/31/2005 9:52:09 AM

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