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This is a post about expectations. It's about what we notice.

We go about our business. We go forward with the things that matter to us. We assemble the puzzle of our lives as best we can.

It's not easy to assemble a puzzle, just as life is not always easy. There are the pieces that nearly fit. The color seemed right. It looked right. But it wasn't. And so a new piece looks promising, and we try that too.

Assembling 499 pieces correctly is an astonishing task, in its own way. In life, you can get 499 pieces just right after much trial and error.

But that's not what gets noticed. It's the missing piece that draws your attention.

It's the missed expectation.

Success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success success oops success success success success success success.

And what do people remember? What do you remember? The successes and the good?

Or are you so very mindful of what went missing?


by Brett Rogers, 3/28/2007 10:01:34 AM


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