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What I do it try and write a slab of ten thousand words, and if it doesn't come off, I do it again.
-- Lawrence Durrell


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Me, the Web Guy


My good friend, Lisa, is opening a golf store for women. I've spent part of my weekend building her web site. It's still on my servers. I'll port it over when her hosting is ready.

When it's all said and done, I'll probably have less than 10 hours into this. The site comes with editing tools for her to manage the content herself on the news and events pages. And she'll be blogging, so I have to create a link to that.

It doesn't take much to have a custom site. For simple small business development, it should never cost more a thousand dollars, and up around that price, it ought to allow end-user control. That's easy to set-up.


by Brett Rogers, 3/4/2007 5:34:24 PM


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