Lots of things are changing. Social networks run amok and revamp the way we market. "Experts" aren't so much experts any more because the Internet is the research tool that makes any Joe Bag o'Donuts smarter. Less consultation, more collaboration. Less selling, more invitation.
The workplace is also changing. Wave of the future? Check this out:
When our passions become our job, the workplace is not the office, but a lifestyle. That's the moment at which we might tattoo the company logo on our body. It's part of us and we identify with it.
If you were to ask what area of the company will be the most changed 10 years from now, some might suggest the marketing department. Some might suggest production or product services. Me? I'd say HR. A company is the sum of its people. The more deeply a company can tap into the rich resource of its people, the more energy and customer orientation each employee will bring to their work.