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I used to be adjective happy. Now I cut them with so much severity that I find I have to put a few adjectives back.
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Portrait Painting


I've had a few people ask me in the past if I would paint a portrait. Time to publish rates:

8 x 10$15.00$110.00$125.00
10 x 13$20.00$130.00$150.00
16 x 20$30.00$220.00$250.00
24 x 30$50.00$300.00$350.00

While I can reproduce a portrait picture, if asked, my preference is to work from something that depicts the person or people doing those activities that best characterize them. Reading a book in a favorite chair, playing basketball, etc.

You can reach me at the email link above in the upper right. I'll be glad to talk with you about it.


Read the whole story of "Workin' on the Dream"
by Brett Rogers, 11/28/2006 2:22:36 PM


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