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A sequel is an admission that you've been reduced to imitating yourself.
-- Don Marquis


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Been a while, but here I go... thirty minutes into this one. I have a ways to go...

This is where I left off back in May. May, fer chrissakes! Oy... but I needed to reconsider how to create and sell my cards. Lessons learned:

  • Women buy.
  • Specific and detailed people don't sell.
  • Good words make the card more attractive. (Just as poignant lyrics make the pretty melody much more desireable.)
  • Somehow, my cards seem to sell in larger quantities (a dozen at a time, or so).
Am I talking about a catalog of some sort?

So I'm listening to Handel and painting... Yeah, I like painting people, but I also like painting the cards. I'll find a happy medium or do both. But really, I like painting and want to be my own boss, so painting cards wins over painting people for now.


Read the whole story of "Friends Hold Hands"
by Brett Rogers, 7/24/2006 10:09:40 PM


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