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By speech first, but far more by writing, man has been able to put something of himself beyond death. In tradition and in books an integral part of the individual persists, for it can influence the minds and actions of other people in different places and at different times: a row of black marks on a page can move a man to tears, though the bones of him that wrote it are long ago crumbled to dust.
-- Julian Huxley


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I've mentioned him a few times on my site here... Kelly is an amazing human being whom I've had the privilege of knowing for over twenty years. I went over to his house for dinner tonight and in the next few months, we'll be exploring music together and having a good time. I expect to buy a new acoustic guitar soon and then songwriting will become quite active. Kelly has a few tunes of his own, and he has some ideas for the drum machine for one of my songs.

Kelly's also an avid photographer. He uses a Canon 20D. Nice camera, and he uses it quite well. He took two pictures of me tonight while over at his place.

And this one:

Pretty cool.

And since he sent this picture of himself to me, I'll stick it up on my site ;)

I'm amazed to know so many good people in life. I'm glad that I know Kelly...


by Brett Rogers, 3/5/2006 8:56:22 PM


Hey! You said you deleted that! grrrrrr... Why, I oughta...

Good to know you as well, Brett. :)



Posted by Kelly, 3/5/2006 9:33:29 PM

lol - life is so great :)



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 3/5/2006 11:04:24 PM

I'm glad you and Kelly have reconnected. Good friends are hard to come by.

I love the "antique" look picture. If you ever do an album, I can see that being your cover...your eyes looking up and, well it's just a cool picture.

Just curious did Kelly have long hair like you did in high school? I think it's funny both of you have similar goatees.



Posted by Anonymous, 3/6/2006 12:22:31 AM

I think Brett had me beat in the "big hair" department. I, on the other hand, had him beat in the beard department as Brett was known to sport a half beard, on occasion.



Posted by Kelly, 3/6/2006 1:49:22 PM


I have even have the picture to prove it, but there's a picture I won't post... me in my underwear and half a beard. D'oh!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 3/6/2006 1:53:50 PM

You are very photogenic, Mr. Rogers.



Posted by Anonymous, 3/6/2006 11:00:26 PM

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