I went through every picture I own yesterday to find anything I might have that is paint-worthy. Funny how I see picture-taking much differently than I once did. My photography was terrible - poor composition, bad light. I found almost nothing workable. But I did find a couple of fun pictures...  When I used to go to church, we attended Calvary, the big pink church in Charlotte, North Carolina. That's me and the kids on a Sunday morning. And check out me in a suit... I actually still have that suit. I sold the rest. But I'm excited to squeeze back into the suit after the weight loss. That's fun to do with old clothes :)  From about the same period, the boys are wearing my shorts and sweat pants.  Austin and Cub playing in a wading pool in Ames, Iowa.  Kind of a cool texture of cacti in a tray behind a Kmart. And one last picture. When I was 20 or so, I bought some watercolors to mess around with them and I actually tried a painting, but never finished it. So here it is:  And from that time forward, I didn't touch it again until I turned 40. The rest of the story - well, you know it if you read this web site. Okay, enough goofing around - back to painting. |