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Not all writers are artists. But all of us like the idea of somebody in the year 2283 blowing the dust off one of our books, thumbing through it and exclaiming, 'Hey, listen to what this old guy had to say back in the twentieth century!'
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Woman At Window (Done)


I was a bit nervous about finishing this card, but it turned out fine.

On to the next one...


Read the whole story of "Woman At Window"
by Brett Rogers, 2/10/2006 4:14:31 PM


As soon as I saw this, I pictured the woman from the story you wrote....the one who is drinking wine because her lover just went back to college.

I like the contrast of color in this picture...and the lighting on her face.



Posted by Anonymous, 2/12/2006 2:29:03 AM

Rita Calvert... very good!

Someday, I'll actually write the other chapters of that novel.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 2/13/2006 12:47:08 AM

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