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A Good Name


This morning, I purchased a few domains: and, and the variations in spelling of my name.

Twenty years from now, my hope is that my artwork is recognized well enough that upon retirement, I can make a decent living as an artist. My Christmas cards got a very positive response (I still have a couple to send out). And what surprised me is that one woman even bought a dozen to send to her family. But the conversations that sprung up around it... I love bringing a smile to people when I can, and I'd love to continue that with custom cards. So I'll be working on other flavors of cards: birthday, thanks, missing you, etc.

Hence the domain. I did some searching yesterday for a cheaper printer than Kinko's, who did a fine job to be sure, but at over $30 for 25, they're prohibitively expensive to resell. I think I've found one online, but I want to check with the printers in town here and see if I can strike a better price. I'd like to produce cards, that when given to someone, can be framed to make the memory of the gift/thought linger and be pleasing to look at as well. That meets my goal of selling my art at an accessible price. If people like it and want a signed print, those will be available from the web site. How's that for a mission statement?


by Brett Rogers, 12/3/2005 9:53:12 AM


I'd like to produce cards, that when given to someone, can be framed to make the memory of the gift/thought linger and be pleasing to look at as well.

This is a totally smart angle. Y'know why? I'll tell many cards have you thrown away? My friend Joey is the of those ones who saves and saves everything her kids ever gave her, but I remember her making the rule that she only would save the handmade from that point on because she had boxes and boxes of Mother's day, birthday, etc. cards that came with presents. She said, (and this sounds horrible, but coming from the ubermom, it was funny) "They may as well just burn two bucks. " But something you find worthy of framing, a real keepsake...that's a great selling point.



Posted by Bella, 12/3/2005 4:26:33 PM

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