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People have talents that are different. Where does the creative flow come from - -inside us, or from a higher power? I don't ask questions. I just write it down.
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Election Winner


Being in the crow's nest for 247Toolset, I have an opportunity to see the insides of many political campaigns. There is overwhelmingly one characteristic of a campaign that indicates a victory, even if against a well-financed opponent.


That's it. Over 90% of the candidates who employed that strategy on a daily basis won their election.

Fancy marketing? Nope.
Slick web site? Nope.
Lots of money? Nope.
Mass email? Nope.

The only thread that runs common through every winning candidacy is door-to-door.

Hard work? You bet.
Worth the effort? Absolutely.


by Brett Rogers, 6/16/2012 10:14:24 AM


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