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The Mercy of the Huckabee


When Mike Huckabee was still in the running for the presidency, I looked at him hard and decided that his urgency for Governmental Christianity was ridiculous on its face. Back then, I quoted Mike:

"I didn't get into politics because I thought government had a better answer. I got into politics because I knew government didn't have the real answers, that the real answers lie in accepting Jesus Christ into our lives."
To this day, I still can't follow his logic. But nonetheless, Mike did get into politics and Mike did extend his Christianity into his governorship of Arkansas. He was into commuting the sentences of hard criminals. Mercy and forgiveness and all that.

Fast forward to today:

Maurice Clemmons, the 37-year-old Tacoma man being sought for questioning in the killing of four Lakewood police officers this morning, has a long criminal record punctuated by violence, erratic behavior and concerns about his mental health.

Nine years ago, then-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee granted clemency to Clemmons, commuting his lengthy prison sentence over the protestations of prosecutors.

"This is the day I've been dreading for a long time," Larry Jegley, prosecuting attorney for Arkansas' Pulaski County said Sunday night when informed that Clemmons was being sought in connection to the killings.

Emphasis mine.

That's about it for Mike Huckabee. Thank God.


by Brett Rogers, 11/30/2009 2:26:31 AM


amen to that.



Posted by M. Schaeffer, 12/1/2009 9:56:07 PM

What? We all agree the Huckster is done? The world must be coming to an end. :)



Posted by Pale Rider , 12/2/2009 7:53:57 PM

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