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Very few writers really know what they are doing until they've done it. Nor do they go about their business feeling dewy and thrilled.
-- Anne Lamott


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The Hardest Thing


Over 15 years ago, I realized that the hardest thing in life is to see things as they really are. How we see ourselves, our work, our family, our life... seeing those truly - as they really are - is incredibly difficult to do without bias and wishful thinking.

One of these days, I'll write a big post on starting a business. In fact, I'll likely write a book. I'll start it right after the day that I lay catatonic on the grass in a forest beneath a deep blue sky with my head resting on my wife's leg - which will be the day after things are going so swimmingly that the business is just fine without me for a day.

In a couple of days, I'll get my copy of an agreement we just signed with a professional sales company out of Atlanta, which is eager to sell 247Toolset. One of the questions I answered today, asked by Sanjay, was this: "What's the maximum number of portals you can create in a week?"

My favorite quote about business: "Risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down."



by Brett Rogers, 11/13/2009 6:26:35 PM


Exciting and scary, but mostly awesome Brett!



Posted by Annette (, 11/14/2009 8:23:52 PM

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