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Glenn Reynolds:

Dealers reported problems with the government's online system to get the transactions approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which is running the program.

Scott Lambert, vice president of the Minnesota Auto Dealers Association, said he was "astounded" to learn at a meeting Tuesday representing about 150 Minnesota dealers that not one has had a deal approved.

"We had dealers representing 1,500 to 2,000 transactions," he said. "We asked how many had a deal approved yet, and not one hand went up."

Lambert said the government has created a program that's "so big and cumbersome that it can't find a way to accept anything. We're sending in good, reliable deals."

It's nerve-racking for the dealers, he said, because they have given the customer $4,500 and now the dealers need to be reimbursed.

Don't worry, though - I'm sure they'll do a better job with your prostate.
Yep. That's how they roll.

I told someone yesterday that the reason government is never efficient is because it has no competition to improve it. Competition is the only mechanism to efficiency and government has no competitor.

Hmm... it just occurred to me. We ought to have two governments: a Democrat-run system, and a Republican-run system. Taxpayers can opt for the system they deem best and live within the rules of that system. Some healthy competition would drive efficiency real fast, I expect.


by Brett Rogers, 7/30/2009 8:29:18 AM


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