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Corner of Room


Did a painting tonight for the first time in a long time. This is the corner of our family room...

Had a good time with it. I feel like some of the things I've reconsidered in my art over the last year are paying off.

If I had it to do over, I would paint the blanket on the rough hewn ladder a bit brighter. Interestingly, as I worked on it, my choice of colors changed and turned out to be just four colors (other than white): medium cadmium yellow dark, quinacridone violet, ultramarine blue, and a touch of light cadmium red for use on the blanket.

I'm ready to paint more...

ETC: As a reality check, I decided to take a picture of the scene I painted.

I didn't paint from a photo, but instead painted what I saw in front of me - plein air, as it's called.

I want to paint other scenes and other things from my home. It's gnawing at me, like a craving. Funny how this has hit me. And hard, too. I guess I've been pregnant with painting, and the labor has started. It's about 1 AM and I really want to dig into another one. But I should go to sleep instead...


by Brett Rogers, 1/4/2009 10:19:13 PM


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