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Looking for Racism


The weirdest thing has happened to me. Yesterday, I started getting email saying that racists attended Sarah Palin's rally here in Des Moines. I attended that rally. I recorded it. Racism? Not a hint. Not a whisper.

So I deleted a comment left on my YouTube video of the rally, and answered the commenter saying that it was a ridiculous assertion.

I get more email today, and one says this:

Just saw your good video of the rally. Unlike some other videos you were further back. Partway during the rally, as she was talking economics some claim a woman yelled out in a rather quiet moment "he's a ("n" word"). I doubt that is what was said unless it was staged. Just wondering if you had anything to add.
I wrote back, saying:
I was there, recorded the whole thing, listened to it several times while splicing the video.

I yelled, "Communism!" at one point, which is the closest phonetic equivalent of what you suggest. That's plain in the audio of my video. It was about when she remarked how the media and Dems were tearing into Joe the Plumber, which is exactly what China and Russia do to dissidents. Obama clearly hates free speech.

Otherwise, if you know exactly where something racist was shouted, point me to the video and the and the minute:second and I'll compare it to my own. But I guarantee - had anyone there said it, the crowd would have beat the crap out of the bigot who uttered it.

So the person responds:
It's about 3:23 seconds after your video ends based on the following video:

The comment is yelled in this video at about the 6:32 mark.

So I watched the video, and someone in the crowd yells something, though it's a bit unintelligible. Off I go to my recording of the event.

Now check this out, because this is how hard you have to work to be The Left these days, searching for racism in everything like some hardcore Christians used to spend hours spinning records backwards to find satanic and subliminal lyrics that weren't there at all. But they would tell you they heard it!

I found the segment in my recording, amplified the woman's voice at the appropriate place, and then posted the video on YouTube. My splice/highlight is all of 19 seconds long. I'm not going to embed the video on beatcanvas.

From a Kos Kid's transcription of the event:

Palin: Obama...Barack Obama has an ideological commitment to higher taxes. The lessons I believe we have taught our kids would start to erode. Those lessons about work ethic, hard work being rewarded and productivity being rewarded...

Women yelling off camera in audience: And he's a n-----!

Palin: And...and......lessons about, um, the virtues of freedom and independence while being generous and compassionate with others.

Let's imagine, for a moment, that someone actually yelled that. That doesn't even flow with the speech. To yell that is completely a non sequitur. Sarah's speaking about how we teach our kids a strong work ethic and the reward of hard work. What would that have to do with anything?

I asked my son, Aaron, who was neither at the event, nor knew of what I did while I worked at our main computer, to decipher for me what the woman shouted.

"A sinner?"

I clearly heard "inner" as well. In context, I think it's clear that the woman was going along with Sarah and said "Be a winner!" Which makes much more sense.

Try it now with that in the transcription:

Palin: Obama...Barack Obama has an ideological commitment to higher taxes. The lessons I believe we have taught our kids would start to erode. Those lessons about work ethic, hard work being rewarded and productivity being rewarded...

Women yelling off camera in audience: To be a winner!

Palin: And...and......lessons about, um, the virtues of freedom and independence while being generous and compassionate with others.

Makes a lot more sense...

Here's the link to my 19-second, amplified splice:

Listen with the sound turned down somewhat. I crank it up in the spot where the woman yells. There's no "gg" there.

But here's the point of this ugly post: it is not those of us voting for McCain / Palin who keep bringing up race. Or slurs. Or anything remotely close to it. It's Obama's supporters.

If there is an aspect of this election that has a tie to race, it is unfortunately that the person who might be the first black president will also be a socialist. It's a deeply regrettable association, and the necessary and ongoing fight against Obama, should he win, will no doubt bring more accusations of racism.

Which is ridiculous, because it has nothing to do with his skin, but with his mind. It's how he thinks and what he believes that is offensive. And so race relations will be set back quite a bit for charges of bigotry being used as a strawman in the argument against his redistributionist agenda.

It's too bad that the Kos Kids and the rest of the Left can't actually hear what Palin is saying, because she's right: Due to socialism, "the lessons I believe we have taught our kids would start to erode. Those lessons about work ethic, hard work being rewarded and productivity being rewarded, and lessons about the virtues of freedom and independence while being generous and compassionate with others."

Lesson: Productivity and abundance brings generosity (unless you're Joe Biden), and socialism will negate that.

That's a lesson that the Left will miss because they can't hear her for the manufactured racism they want to hear. Like the wacko Christians who used to s


Tags: politics
by Brett Rogers, 10/27/2008 8:25:59 PM


Typical response from the left. They can't debate the actual point so they go to the race card. Wasn't it a week or two back where a reporter in Scranton claimed use of the "N" word before a Palin rally but not a single person around him did (including secret service who were stationed on the ground in the vicinity)?

I'd like to actually see this happen at a McCain/Palin rally. Not because I'm a racist but 1) if it did, it would be a left wing nut trying to paint the audience as racists, 2) the beating they'd get from the audience would be must see tv (images of the "Don't taze me bro" kid come to mine, and 3) the rebuke from Palin/McCain would be instant (let's see what the media would do to that).

The left just doesn't get it. Our problem isn't with his race, its with his politics. Anyone with half a brain and an ounce of logic should have a problem with his politics.



Posted by Pale Rider, 10/27/2008 9:21:37 PM

I caught something on this over at Michelle Malkin's website. Any chance she could have been calling out "redistributor?"



Posted by Pale Rider, 10/28/2008 12:06:48 PM

Redistributor... could be, PR. You know, whatever she said, it wasn't a slur. Us Iowans would have beaten the crap out of her. That's not tolerated here.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 10/28/2008 11:53:13 PM

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