When I first built 247Toolset, it was a tool for administrators to find people, and since there was no need for administrator to discover herself, she never filled out a profile. But the market talks and I do my best to listen, and 247Toolset is becoming a CRM suite... which means more rewriting to make it clearer yet. People aren't always explicit in telling you how a product isn't clear yet. Vivian from Florida called me two days ago with this question: "How do I access organizations?" I told her that it was on the People tab, but what her question told me was that the interface wasn't clear. So now it's not the People tab - it's the People and Organizations tab. At the moment, I'm creating a Communication tab, which will house Conversations, Email Newsletters, Email Blast, and Text Message Blast. The writer Stendhal said: "I see only one rule: to be clear. If I am not clear, then my entire world crumbles into nothing." Yep - pretty much. And universal clarity is hard work. |