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Blog Posts for October 2013

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Anyway, been working a lot and getting more involved politically in Texas. Patti and I went to Ted Cruz' welcome home event last night, where it was so crowded, even though we were early, we had to stand outside the warehouse.

A couple hundred more people joined us outside, and there were probably 500 or 600 inside.

So imagine this: a US Senator returns home, and the people throughout his state want to greet him as a hero, joining hundreds of others to thank him.

Unless you live in Texas, it's not your senator.

For all the bullshit that that the media throws at him, he's fighting for all of us negatively affected by Obamacare, and millions more around the country are learning about, as Jon Stewart called it, this "turd" called Obamacare.

We need more Ted Cruz. A lot more. He listens to us.


1 Comment
by Brett Rogers, 10/22/2013 9:40:42 PM