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The Story of "April"

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April - Day One



The nice thing about acrylics is that I can rough sketch both position and size by "blocking in" the elements of a painting and then go over it later and correct it. It's at this stage that I can test colors and composition.


Read the whole story of "April"
by Brett Rogers, 4/15/2006 10:25:19 PM

April - Day Two


I'm really enjoying this one, and I think it's mostly because I so love the colors going on. I've got Vivaldi and Mozart hangin' with me tonight while I finish this one, and I'm taking a break to go for a bike ride and get some clarity before I return to finish it.

ETC: Done for the night, and not quite finished.


Read the whole story of "April"
by Brett Rogers, 4/16/2006 11:50:39 PM

Couldn't Sleep


Went to bed, and then got back up to finish it.


1 Comment
Read the whole story of "April"
by Brett Rogers, 4/17/2006 4:37:08 AM

April Video Story


I put together a little video of my painting of "April," with background music by Arvo Part.

You can obtain a "print" of this painting by ordering it as a greeting card (8½" x 5½").


Read the whole story of "April"
by Brett Rogers, 10/15/2006 10:18:42 AM