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Project and Capacity Management


Back in the summer of 2005, I worked as a consultant to Wells Fargo and did a barn burner project called OSOT. I received the request to build a project management web site from scratch in mid-June and ten 80-hour weeks later, I released it in August. To this day, it's still used in Wells Fargo Financial and Home Mortgage.

One of my 247Toolset clients has requested the ability to use 247Toolset as a CRM tool. They want to use it to log all correspondence and from that correspondence, to create tracked action items.

There are three types of people in 247Toolset:

  • Those who come to it of their own volition to create an engagement profile
  • Those who are invited to create an engagement profile
  • Those who will never create an engagement profile
Any one of those groups could call/write into the organization and prompt an action item that could be handed off to a resource.

Further, that action item might be a simple task, or it might be a complete project, with milestones and multiple resources to manage through it.

I'm actually not that far from completing that capability. It only took me about 800 hours to create OSOT from the ground up. I think I could probably finish this enhancement of 247Toolset from my running start position within a couple of weeks.

My job, no matter what it is that I do, is to create such a compelling offering to the market that I instill the burning desire to purchase what I offer. The more valuable it appears to the market, the more in demand I am.

That's the true essence of capitalism... to work my product or service into such a state of appeal that I earn a reward for my efforts. I invest my time into it all, with no certainty of reward. That's risk. So these enhancements will be my Christmas presents to myself - to strengthen the tool I've created to make it more appealing to the market.


by Brett Rogers, 11/28/2010 11:44:44 AM


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