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Writing, at its best, is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing. He grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates. For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day.
-- Ernest Hemingway


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Motivated Now!


I wasn't really gung-ho to attend the Iowa Caucus, but after seeing more of Pastor Huckabee's religion-based campaigning and how he will stoop so low, I'm mighty motivated to keep that guy from becoming the nominee.

Want to go with me?

Call the Republican Party of Iowa (515-282-8105) and find your caucus location. If you've read this site much, you know that I've examined the candidates pretty closely. Tamara and I choose, like the editors of National Review:

Mitt Romney

Here's why I personally choose Mitt:

  • He's an incredibly effective large-enterprise manager. His time as a business executive, his deft salvage of the Salt Lake City Olympics, and his work as governor of Massachussettes all demonstrate that.
  • He embodies much of what I want in a candidate - lean government, strong military, America-loving, optimistic.
  • He has a very organized campaign, which we saw at the Iowa Straw Poll.
  • He handles the media well and comes across presidentially.
We'll be there, excited to vote for him. He's a good man, and in our opinion, the right person to be the Republican nominee.


Tags: politics
by Brett Rogers, 12/12/2007 10:53:02 AM


Okay, I know we aren't exactly popular around this site, but I just can't resist. You can call the Iowa Democratic Party for the Democratic caucus sites at 515.244.7292




Posted by Bella, 12/12/2007 2:13:59 PM


Fair enough, Bella. Go get 'em!

And incidentally, in all your anonymousness here on my site, who do you support for the Dem nominee?



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/12/2007 2:17:42 PM

What, are you kidding me? And get mocked and ridiculed to the ends of the earth?!

Aw hell--John Edwards. Ever since I read 'To Kill a Mockingbird' I have a soft spot for Southern democrat trial lawyers. I'd give you all my real reasons, but I know it won't matter, so I'll save them for the Obama and Clinton supporters at the caucus. :-)



Posted by Bella, 12/12/2007 2:33:58 PM

Good luck in swaying them... and thanks for your candor :)



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/12/2007 2:37:32 PM

I'm starting to lean towards Mr. Smoothie myself. I had been fairly solid in Rudy's corner but some of the information coming out about his stance on illegal immigration as mayor of NYC has really made me cringe. I'm hearing some weasel talk and that really pushes my buttons. If you change your mind on something I can accept that, just explain why you have and if it is logical fine. Denying the facts and then just trying to smear your opponent will lose you my support. Same if you just start spewing platitudes to suck up a vote (Huck seems to have that area covered lately - the minutemen endorsement really made my jaw drop).

Now that I am in NY I wonder if it is even worth my time to follow politics. The state that elected Hillary and Chuckie Schumer to the senate and last year Governor Elliot "give illegals drivers licenses" Spitzer. Is this entire state on crack? I have a feeling my time here will be short.



Posted by Pale Rider, 12/12/2007 3:08:05 PM

I'm sticking with Fred. He's a true conservative. He stands by his principles and always answers debate questions honestly and backs them up with sound reason. He's not dodgey like the other top tier guys. I like him. I think he's spot on the issues. He's got my support, 110%.

Mitt's way to slick -- every answer is calculated, not something he believes. He's not a conservative. He's just a slick, finger-in-the-wind politician. I've had 'nuff of those types to last me a lifetime.

Rudy's a one-trick pony (I was mayor of NY! They said it couldn't be done. -- yeah whatever -- shut your loud trap!).

Huckabee is such a Jimmy Carter clone it's pathetic. He's probably a great guy and a great preacher... but president -- I think not. He's a nanny-stater, government will help you live your life - type of guy. What's the difference between him and Hillary there? Nada. 'Cept that he believes unborn babies are people. I'll give him that.

McCain is to republicans what crows are to birds -- loud, obnoxious and a giant nuisance. Why he's even running I have no idea.

Hunter can't get any momentum, but I like him.

Tancredo is a great guy, just doesn't have what it takes to be president.

Paul... all I can say is LOL!

And Keyes? What happened to that guy? He used to be interesting to listen to... I think he's gone off the deep end.



Posted by Chris, 12/12/2007 3:25:07 PM

Edwards Bella? Dear Huck, oops I mean Lord. :) Once he goes down, who is your next choice on the Dem side?

Chris, I love the comment "McCain is to republicans what crows are to birds -- loud, obnoxious and a giant nuisance. Why he's even running I have no idea." Too damn funny!

See politics can be fun. And it gives me a reason to drink. Now where did I hide the Dewars?



Posted by Pale Rider, 12/12/2007 3:45:02 PM

Fred here as well. Though, I don't think there's a chance he can pull it off.



Posted by Kelly, 12/12/2007 3:46:35 PM

What a thread.

Kelly, why Fred? I like Fred a lot - I just don't think he's worked hard enough to get his organization strong to make him electable, which to me says something about his large-enterprise management skills.

Love the comments, Chris. I agree with most of what you've said... obviously, I disagree with you about Mitt, but mostly otherwise.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/12/2007 4:09:04 PM

Oh, PR--you tease! Bill Richardson, if you must know. I know, I don't go with the cool kids...I go for who I believe in. Will either of my picks get the nomination--probably not, but they are who I believe in.



Posted by Bella, 12/12/2007 4:49:25 PM

Actually, now that I think about the actual caucus the voting order will probably go Richardson, THEN Edwards.



Posted by Bella, 12/12/2007 4:50:59 PM

Why Fred? When I listen to him speak I don't feel like I'm listening to a politician. His core values are largely the same now as they were when he first ran for public office. Regardless of the forum or subject, I rarely disagree with him.

I know that's not too specific in regards to issues. There's already a lot of places to go to find more information on Fred, if someone were interested.

I agree with you that he's not done enough on the organization front. I feel he waited too long to jump into the ring (officially) and playing catch-up in forming a cohesive organization isn't going to win this.



Posted by Kelly, 12/12/2007 4:58:09 PM

Yeah, I wanted more from Fred. I loved his response to Michael Moore early in this whole thing. That rocked... got my hopes up. And I agree with you. I rarely disagree with him when I hear him speak.

Bella, Richardson is a good guy, I think. I remember earlier this year going to the Farmer's Market downtown and seeing him walk down Court Avenue. Tamara shook his hand - very commanding presence. Too bad that he's not stronger in the polls. Americans have a tendency to like governors in presidential politics, and none of the top Dem contenders are governors, but senators, and relatively new senators at that.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/12/2007 5:05:13 PM

Anyone else watch the debate yesterday? Now I understand why I hate the Des Moines Register so much. That woman is an editor at the Register? I found her to be one of the most cold, empty people I have ever witnessed. Explains the cold empty feeling I have every time I read the opinion section. (shudder)

May I suggest the Register consider replacing her with Brett? Who's with me? Brett, get that resume dusted off... I'm making some calls. ;-)



Posted by Chris, 12/13/2007 10:50:02 AM

I didn't watch the debate, but I did read that the moderator was bad.

Me as a moderator? Whoo boy, that'd be something. Actually, I'd love to see a blogger-led debate. The questions and answers would be amazing, and I think it would make for spellbinding TV.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/13/2007 11:31:50 AM

I had on fox news yesterday while putting up our tree and caught some of the debate replay. That moderator was something else. If Jeanine Garafolo and the Grim Reaper had a child, the moderator would be the outcome.

Brett gets my vote for moderator. Hands down he'd do a better job than anyone out there running them.

I think a blogger led debate would be fantastic.



Posted by Pale Rider, 12/14/2007 10:59:22 AM

A blogger-led debate? Fantastic idea! I wonder if we'll see that next time around?

Also, if you're interested, I came across this article on -- a blunt review of all of the top tier Republican candidates. Like I said, it's blunt... but I have to agree with almost every single word.



Posted by Chris, 12/14/2007 2:22:52 PM

"If Jeanine Garafolo and the Grim Reaper had a child, the moderator would be the outcome."

Way too funny. And how true. :)



Posted by Chris, 12/14/2007 2:33:48 PM

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