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Old Photos - 12/2/2007


My high school friend, Rik Schwinden, took this photo in a park in Des Moines when we reconnected several years after high school. I've since lost track of him somwhere in Minnesota.

This is what I looked like when he knew me in high school.

That picture was taken by Mike Langley, high school friend and a musician from Sioux City, Iowa, when we were hanging at his parents' house. I traded a few email with Mike a couple of years ago. He had a web site, but that appears to no longer be active. He still Googles though...

Funny how we lose track of people through the years, and then occasionally intersect.


Tags: my life | old photos
by Brett Rogers, 12/2/2007 11:47:32 AM


I think this is one of the best photos I've seen in a long time.



Posted by Annette (, 12/3/2007 9:44:55 PM

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