Everyone can use greeting cards. They're great for reaching out to clients and to touch base with friends. Well, I have a bunch of greeting cards based on my artwork and not enough venues to sell them all. I need to offload my inventory. If you want some greeting cards, or if you know a business owner or a friend who needs some, I can help you. I have various quantities, anywhere from 20 to 400, depending on the card. I'm selling them for 35¢ each - that's with envelope. This could be good for business or personal connections, so just write me an email and let me know how many you want. Here they are. They're 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". April Beach Kite Child Hug Faith Friends Hold Hands Front Porch Giggle Heart Holiday Glow In The Hole Joy Mother and Child Ornament Pirates Rose Snow Hill Sunflower Sunset Calm Two Candles Vase and Cat Winter Cardinal Woman at Window |