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Just in time for Christmas, the top ten Toys from Hell. I found this via core77 design. My personal favorite: the Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kid, with mechanical jaws that would chew whatever went into its mouth. It found most anything to be finger-eatin'lickin' good! Eat your heart out, Chuckie! |
by Brett Rogers, 12/20/2006 7:45:48 AM Permalink
Uh oh, my daughter has one of the "Sky Dancers." To date, the only household member to feel the wrath of it is me, and thankfully, as my ex often told me, my head is made of steel. An atomic playset? Who in their deranged mind would ever?????? My mom wouldn't let me near the paper mache. |
| Posted by Pale Rider, 12/20/2006 8:27:59 AM |
Ahmadinejad's mom got her kid one of those playsets... |
Yeah but he's still walking around the classroom trying to get the smart kid to show him how it works. :P |
| Posted by Pale Rider, 12/20/2006 9:55:25 AM |
Yeah but he's still walking around the classroom trying to get the smart kid to show him how it works. :P |
| Posted by Pale Rider, 12/20/2006 9:55:36 AM |
I better find the smart kid too as evidently I did not learn how to only push submit once. :) |
| Posted by Pale Rider, 12/20/2006 11:50:41 AM |
Ahmadinejad's mom got her kid one of those playsets... Interesting that I got berated and told that better was expected of me. Nice. |
| Posted by Bella, 12/20/2006 2:02:11 PM |
Evil dictators who threaten to erase entire nations from existance are always fair game. |
| Posted by brett via cell phone, 12/20/2006 2:30:16 PM |
Dictators= holiday amusement? Guess I just thought Dubya jokes were a little more appropriate...destroying nations--not cute. Dubya being bad at Jeopardy--kinda cute. Whatever. Damn...I'm just not on a wavelength lately. Still...love y'all! Happy Holidays! |
| Posted by Bella, 12/20/2006 5:10:15 PM |
Geez... We're different, Bella. We'll always be different. Viva la difference. |
LOL! Trying your patience is the bestest present ever! :-) |
| Posted by Bella, 12/21/2006 12:31:01 PM |
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