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There are so many different kinds of writing and so many ways to work that the only rule is this: do what works. Almost everything has been tried and found to succeed for somebody. The methods, even the ideas of successful writers contradict each other in a most heartening way, and the only element I find common to all successful writers is persistence-an overwhelming determination to succeed.
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Word Choice


I wish the Right would ditch the words "conservative" and "conservatism."

The founding fathers never said anything foundational using those words, and they mean different things to different people.

"Freedom" and "independence," on the other hand, are less ambiguous and were used by the founding fathers. I mean, if we're really going to talk about getting back to the traditional aspects of our country, then asserting "conservatism" is twisting our origins.

Being free to choose the direction of your own life - that's well established in our nation's history. While I may not agree with your choices, as long as those choices aren't impacting the liberties of others, it's nobody's business but yours.

Liberty, freedom, independence - those are foundational words.

Conservative - not so much.


by Brett Rogers, 1/29/2011 10:17:50 AM


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