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But this I know; the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master - something that at times strangely wills and works for itself... If the result be attractive, the World will praise you, who little deserve praise; if it be repulsive, the same World will blame you, who almost as little deserve blame.
-- Charlotte Brontė


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I snagged my second recruiter today who plans to use 247Toolset. Kinda cool because it's a validation of what I originally intended to do with it in marketing it to recruiters.

And I did my walk-through with the Des Moines Public Charter School. What was great was a comment at the end, when Travis, a teacher there, said that every school should have 247Toolset. I agree. For the price of a pizza per month, teachers could reach out to willing parents and grandparents and engage them in the needs of the kids' school activities.

The next month is going to be very busy with implementations and enhancements, responding to the market's requests and searching for the next sales.

Next week, I have two conversations with regional managers in national non-profits. One is already using it locally but wants to look at expanding its use, so as always happens, we'll see how it goes :)


by Brett Rogers, 12/10/2010 2:53:15 AM


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