Ah, Carl Paladino... we hardly knew ye. And then you went and opened your mouth. And now, we reap the consequences in the form of Gov. Cuomo. Carl's writing a book now that's entitled, "How to Lose Big Time in a Republican Year." The first chapter is about hating on people while pretending to be a Christian. Humanity is full of people with biases and prejudices and opinions. It's normal to have them. But where you lose people is when you bring those to the level of government, aka the State. Nobody wants morality legislated. People want the freedom to be who they choose to be, and the rest of us expect that they won't step on the liberties of others in doing so. And for those who think that all law is the legislation of morality, that would be incorrect. All law is the preservation of freedom. The law steps in when someone's freedom is violated. So back up with your morality and don't force it on me. |