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I'm astounded by people who take eighteen years to write something. That's how long it took that guy to write Madame Bovary, and was that ever on the best-seller list?
-- Sylvester Stallone


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When You Can't Dazzle 'Em with Brilliance...


...baffle 'em with bullshit.


by Brett Rogers, 4/4/2010 10:15:14 AM


Bullshit is pretty much the perfect word to describe Obama, his candidacy, and his presidency. The time has come for true leaders to stand up and take the country in the direction it needs to go.

On a personal note, I so wanted to catch the constitutional seminar you attended. It's in town here next Saturday. Unfortunately I'll be on a flight to Europe for the new job.



Posted by Pale Rider, 4/4/2010 6:00:04 PM

Try not to be hated on too much for the way in which Dear Leader has treated our former allies!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 4/5/2010 6:40:21 AM

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