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Happy Scott Brown Day


Whether he wins or not, Scott Brown has won.

And whether Martha Coakley wins or not, Obama has lost and ObamaCare is toast. When the voters of Barney Frank's and John Kerry's and frickin' Ted Kennedy's state rebel against ObamaCare and Democrats, Obama has lost.

This is the point at which he should pull a reverse Sally Field.

You don't like me. You really really don't like me.
No matter how cool you initially come across, socialism will never appeal to people who have tasted freedom. I bet Ben Nelson gets that point now.

It's fitting that it's one year after Obama became president. Happy Scott Brown Day, Barry. You earned it.

ETC: I misspoke.

Happy Senator Scott Brown Day!

In honor of our Super-Genius-in-Chief, an older graphic of mine:


by Brett Rogers, 1/19/2010 4:22:08 PM


O M G... That is all I can manage right now.



Posted by Pale Rider, 1/19/2010 9:16:24 PM

Wow. It only took a year for Massachusetts to figure out how badly "Hope and Change" sucks. The irony of it being Kennedy's seat too.

I've evolved from O M G to Holy Shit. This is just stunning.



Posted by Pale Rider, 1/19/2010 9:32:56 PM

Isn't life beautiful?



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 1/19/2010 10:15:19 PM

It sure is! So the next question is will Barry double down on Hope and Change or start tacking to the right like Clinton? I say double down, his ego is too big. It's gonna be fun watching the Dems up for re-election this year start running for cover.

I keep telling myself that after Carter we got Reagan. I have a feeling 2012 will bring something good as well.



Posted by Pale Rider, 1/19/2010 10:48:30 PM

It's up to us, PR. We either serve our country and restore freedom, or we watch our liberties slip away.

I hope you're kicking ass in NY, my friend.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 1/19/2010 11:06:47 PM

What, no liberal vitriol telling us how we're all just Bush loving red state morons who stole American election?

I guess they got tired of being wrong all the time.



Posted by casey head (, 1/19/2010 11:33:37 PM

Yeah... Ruby's great pain tonight is his hesitation in calling voters in a blue state names.

Must be a real bummer when you find out that your stances aren't even popular among fellow Democrats.

But it sure is a relief to know that even though he can't perform the math to realize that nothing Obama proposes adds up (I guess they don't teach that in graduate school), enough folks in Kennedy's old haunts can do math. And not a moment too late.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 1/19/2010 11:42:35 PM

I think the new term for us these days is "teabagging racists." Watching the left go completely unhinged is quite funny, which really makes me wonder if they will double down on these atrocious policies. Anybody think they will bring crap and trade to the floor? How many Dems are going to want Obama to come campaign for them?

It's a beautiful day in the neigh-bor-hood, it's a beatiful day..... :)



Posted by Pale Rider, 1/21/2010 8:05:24 AM

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