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Mojo by the Back Door


Now that the laptop is almost installed, while it's cooking on some processes, I'm able to take advantage of one of its coolest features: the tabletPC. The laptop's monitor spins in place and then lays down on the laptop. It comes with a digital pen and a rudimentary program from Corel called Sketchpad. With that, I can create art.

In short, think of this as the next version of the enjoyment I discovered on my LG Dare. Since LG never saw fit to expand what I was able to do with the Dare's Drawing Pad, I've been without art on a daily basis as I was with the Dare. Anyone who knows me knows that I go nowhere without my laptop, and so with this I'm able to practice drawing. While it's not quite as handy as my cell phone, it is more robust.

Corel does offer a better program yet, called Painter. Looks attractive. I'll reward myself with that purchase when sales for 247Toolset are able to sustain my income completely.


by Brett Rogers, 1/8/2010 11:44:31 PM


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