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The Champ


As his polling numbers steadily approach Tiger Woods' 9-hole golf score (or the number of women who've slept with Tiger while he was married), this quote is hilarious:

Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport responded: "Gibbs said that if Gallup were his EKG, he would visit his doctor. Well, I think the doctor might ask him what's going on in his life that would cause his EKG to be fluctuating so much."
Our resident Super Genius has the lowest score of any president ever at this point in a presidency.

Of course, it doesn't help that the majority of Americans don't want health care reformed by the government.

And it doesn't help that Obama can't do math - he just spends our money as though he can endlessly print it.

No matter how cool you think someone is, if he keeps working to collapse your quality of life and doesn't hide his willingness to take money from your children, eventually his coolness doesn't matter. While the rubes will keep cheering for their guy (to their harm), the rest of the country sees this bullshit for what it is.

ETC: There's a great difference between Obama and other presidents, like JFK and Reagan. JFK and Reagan thought that the American people were the best engine for economic growth, and so they passed across-the-board tax cuts to give money back to the people of America and each time it was tried, the economy roared back.

Obama doesn't believe that at all. He believes that government is the best engine for economic growth - which has never worked to revive the economy. According to him, the government hasn't spent nearly enough of your money for you yet. He's no man of the people; he's the man of government. He's crushing our kids with debt.

What an immoral jerk.


by Brett Rogers, 12/8/2009 10:16:07 PM


He sounded absolutely clueless at his jobs summit (way to get ahead of the curve on that one Barry). Yeah weatherizing homes will sure turn around those unemployment numbers. And that little drop they are claiming in November from 10.2 to 10 was due more to 100,000 people falling out of the calculations as opposed to any job creation.

I won't refer to this massive health care bill as reform. Just like the "stimulus" was anything but an economic stimulator, this health care bill does nothing to reform health care. It's a massive expansion of the system to cover an additional portion of the population. Where is the reform? Hell in states like NY there are already programs to cover those who can't afford insurance. The cost of the programs is one of the reasons the state economy is tanking.

For Barry's believers, stupid is the new "cool."



Posted by Pale Rider, 12/8/2009 11:04:50 PM

Another couple weeks and the number of women who've slept with "cheetah" will be higher than the polling numbers.

Gibbs must be a hell of a poker player. How he can stand there and defend Obama's bullshit day in and day out with a straight face is beyond me.



Posted by Pale Rider, 12/8/2009 11:13:31 PM

Well, it's "reform" - i.e., giving politicians control over what should be our own personal choices. Which is reform. Heck, it's even change. There's just nothing remotely positive about it. But hey - I preach to the choir.

You know, I've sat through a couple of days of a political seminar, and I find myself changed a bit through the process. Around me during the seminar, 250+ strong, are some of the people who have the most impact on the political process, though you'll never see them or recognize them. I'm learning a lot from this group. They've been effective in so many issues in so many states: 2nd Amendment, Right to Work, etc.

The biggest lesson: everything I thought I knew about influencing politicians was wrong. In my neophyte efforts, I've been guessing. I did what would have felt right to me. But I'm not a politician, and my instincts about influencing them were wrong.

Like anything, we head in what seems like the right direction, but like anything, our initial direction is not aimed correctly. This conference is adjusting my aim.

I'll have a lot to think about on the drive home... I also wish I could post what I've learned, but it's just about impossible, so densely woven has been the seminar. But I'll find ways to do that as I assimilate the content.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/9/2009 1:27:41 AM

Hyperbole--but understandable. Bring perspective to bear on things.

We all impatiently await quick fixes and solutions to enormous problems.

We exist at one of those precipitous "rupture points" of history, characterized by a profound break from the past. Indeed, the American electorate was (and continues to be) restless in recognition of the moment, hence the appeal of "CHANGE." Obama (the intellectual) sensed it too; whether Obama the politician/president can manuever through the landmines of conventional thought and action remains to be seen.

Personally, I believe the profundity of the moment demands a concomitant political response and policy shift toward more regulation that few politicians are willing to embrace. Unlike many of you, I have serious reservations about "liberty," and have deep concerns that actions carried out in self-interest will be at odds with the larger needs of the global community, humanity, and our planet. We've abused freedom, or more precisely, big business (i.e., capitalist enterprise) has abused freedom.

I think we need to draw a distinction between INDIVIDUAL liberty and corporate freedom. One is constitutionally protected, the other is not.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...I already hear the scornful retorts before I've even posted this. Bottom line: many businesses--large and small--are socially and environmentally irresponsible because they are blinded by a singular, myopic concern: PROFIT. Everything else is secondary.

That thinking no longer fits well in an age characterized by problems that nurture mounting ecological consciousness and demands for greater social justice.

This is not 1750.



Posted by Mean Spirited Liberal, 12/11/2009 10:56:09 PM

You're right - in 1750, those who lived here wouldn't vote for charismatic leaders to bankrupt them. That was a much better time. People were smarter.

On a separate note, I think had you been born in that time, King George would have loved you.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/12/2009 8:42:10 PM

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