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Out of Fashion


If I were the head of the Harcourt Pencil Co. that created these, heads would roll in the design department.

"It's turned out to be really ugly," Jones said. "We're trying to get them out of the schools as fast as we can. It's a total nightmare."
Yes, it is. On so many, many levels...


by Brett Rogers, 12/7/2009 8:56:17 AM


Why not? Politics is winning hearts and minds, and clearly the opportunity is ripe to capitalize on the vacuum of trust left by "W."

No holding back. Hit hard, hit fast, hit often, and go for the knockout punch.

Sowing the seeds of HOPE really gets you guys riled up, huh?



Posted by Mean Spirited Liberal, 12/7/2009 11:22:42 PM

Sowing the seeds of HOPE? Try teaching the children how to achieve. Is there any logic rattling around in that head of yours or has too much hope destroyed your brain?

Breaking news. The Pledge of Allegiance will be replaced with songs in honor of "Dear Leader." Come on everyone let's sing along... "Barack Hussein Obama... MMMM, MMMM, MMMM..."



Posted by Pale Rider, 12/8/2009 8:20:14 AM

You're right MSL, it's totally fair.

**orders five copies of "Going Rogue" from Amzon to donate to the local high school library**



Posted by Casey Head (, 12/8/2009 9:30:26 AM

HOPE = bankruptcy, which kids smart enough to do math are already figuring out.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/8/2009 9:46:53 AM

Gotta keep pushing Hope and Political Correctness in schools these days. God forbid they learn enough math as by the 5th grade they'll be challenging the numbers the administration is tossing out.



Posted by Pale Rider, 12/8/2009 3:45:35 PM

You hopeless idiots have no place in MY America. Go away, or better yet, "go rogue." Either polar region would be my suggestion, for perhaps then you could witness the ecological effects of your endless hot air and find yourself adrift as the ice melts beneath your feet (like your intransigent world view). Drill baby drill! maybe your predicament will drill some sense into your pack of foolish heads.



Posted by Mean Spirited Liberal, 12/11/2009 12:05:33 AM

"Your" America is a fiction. It has never existed. It may never exist.

"Our" America at least has a historical precedent. You may pick at its flaws, talk it down all you wish, but cannot deny the objective fact that it is our philosophy that built America from a handful of of disunited colonies to the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth in its short 233 year history.

Or knowing you, you could deny it. Reality is only your distant acquaintance.



Posted by Casey Head (, 12/11/2009 1:23:44 PM

Conservatives can stand in front of cameras weeping "I want MY country back," and I certainly have an equal right to take you to school on MY America.

You, Mr. HEAD, certainly do not have a monopoly on the definition of "America," and to assert that you do (as your bullshit implies) says more about your ignorance and arrogance than any defensible definition of "America" based on precedent.

Clearly, your conception of history is flawed due to its extreme conservative nature; history is not the static story that you subscribe to. It's a "river," constantly flowing, twisting and turning as new evidence bears upon interpretation and reveals new meanings and understandings, thus infinitely nuanced.

You, Mr. HEAD, are free to repose in the comfort of your conservative, reductionist view that (as you claim): "Our" America at least has a historical precedent. You may pick at its flaws, talk it down all you wish, but cannot deny the objective fact that it is our philosophy that built America from a handful of of disunited colonies to the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth in its short 233 year history.

What a gross and self-serving statement! I'm laughing out loud! By asserting such a swweping claim you close your mind to the broader processes of history as the river flows. I'm certainly not surprised, though, for people such as you prefer the sanitized, "red, white and blue" ("rah rah") version. That may serve you, but to many minority and labor class Americans it's not the real story. I'd certainly quarrel with your claim that "our philosophy" built America. Is it too inconvenient for you to acknowledge that the antecedents of the political philosophy that provided the catalyst for revolutions were well established in the thought of European thinkers of the Enlightenment?

Truncated, self-serving conceptions of history designed to reinforce conservative ideology typically embrace very selective elements of the historical record. Ultimately it purges inconvenient truths to yield an interpretation of history to sustain an ideological house of cards. In the process, conservatives have celebrated the "unum" and condemned the "pluribus."

In a nation whose collective identity is based largely on the immigrant experience and a society that is inherently multicultural, the GOP has defined itself as the antithesis of what most of us know and believe that we are.

Fiction? I respectfully suggest you reconsider your truncated construct of MY nation's history. I suggest you begin by going back to school. This time, pay attention.



Posted by Mean Spirite Liberal, 12/11/2009 9:57:17 PM

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