Sing the title to the tune of "Yesterday" by the Beatles... I just had to blog this... last summer, I weighed 356 pounds. Uncomfortable, to be sure. I affectionately started referring to my stomach as "the beach ball." I rode my bike a lot last year and by fall, I was in the 340's. On the day that I started my sugarfree diet (no refined sugar, not even ketchup or jelly...) I weighed myself and I was at 338. Today, almost 3 weeks after going sugarfree, I'm at 331. And I haven't really done anything to alter my diet except that one thing. Just no sugary foods. My activity is no different than it was. My initial goal is to get to 320. On that day, I'll do a little dance. Once I drop below 300, I'll be where I was 5 years ago. I don't really care what I weigh - I carry it pretty well and I've always been a big guy - but I hate the beach ball. And thankfully, it's on its way out :) |