After hearing of Palin stepping away from her governorship, I have to wonder if she'll be devoting her energy to creating a new political party. The GOP party elites have never done anything to support her, and the GOP isn't really committed to conservative values. Perhaps Sarah will use her own momentum among the base to give the disloyal GOP the finger and start her own movement. If so, they had it coming. After all, they've been kinder to Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, who voted with the Democrats on TARP. ETC: Option Two: She, Rush Limbuagh, and Mark Levin start a new news network. MORE ETC: Whatever she does, it will be centered on this: I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint. Her radar is firmly locked onto the conservative base. I wish her great success, whatever she does.EVEN MORE ETC: Nola, one of the speakers at the Des Moines Tea Party, reminds me that it is futile for me, a guy, to try and fathom the mind of a woman. True, so true... I should know better. |