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Killing Business


The Waxman-Markey bill, known as "Cap and Trade," might pass today. If it does, with their strong majority, the Democrats will likely pass it in the Senate. And of course, Obama will sign it into law.

On the day that happens, I'm pretty sure that most conservatives will wake up. I say most because while there are many who are somewhat aware of what's happening these days, most don't want to get involved. Politics is an ugly topic most of the time. Mostly, folks just want to avoid it except in private conversations where it won't prove contentious. Unless of course, it starts hitting their income. And most assuredly, this bill will hit their wallets.

When conservatives wake up, it won't be a Republican uprising. Democrats too, because most Americans are conservative. And more yet are fiscally conservative. Once Waxman-Markey hits the streets and hikes our energy prices, Americans will wake up.

At that point, here in the Land of Make-Believe, Americans will be pissed. Bush will be a distant memory compared to the increasing problems in the economy. You see, in the Land of Make-Believe, all these liberals hold to the idea that taxing people is just revenue to be gained in pursuit of economic justice and fairness. Take from the rich and give to the poor. The way life ought to be, according to them.

It's at that point, when the socialist rubber meets the road, that Americans wake up and realize just what the hell they did in electing this Congress and this president. It's at that moment that "The Big Undo" will start. Yep... nothing like a reactive response. For all the unwillingness to get involved earlier and be pro-active, they'll have to start electing people who promise to unravel the Barackracy erected to manage Cap and Trade's mandates. Because if they don't, America will deteriorate, and Americans will do what it takes to protect their wallets.

It won't just be the liberals who killed business. Nope. It will be the fence-sitters who refused to get involved earlier. Silence is enabling. For all the discomfort and lack of social graces that politics brings, it is necessary. Otherwise, crap happens like Waxman-Markey because conservatives, too busy being busy and worrying about their social status and network, refused to take action early.

Nicey nice is fine and dandy - except when you're parked in front of a train. See it coming yet?


by Brett Rogers, 6/26/2009 6:42:34 AM


Or as Glen Beck called it a couple weeks ago "The cow fart tax." This appears dead in the senate so lets get the idiots on record voting for this pile of garbage. Nothing like trying to ram another crap sandwich down our throats.



Posted by Anonymous, 6/26/2009 3:30:12 PM

That was me :)



Posted by Pale Rider, 6/26/2009 3:30:46 PM

"Crap sandwich" led me to believe it was you :)

Never underestimate the power of strong-armed negotiations to push this through the senate. I'll take a stop wherever a stop can happen. Where I know it won't happen is Obama's desk.

And if you haven't signed up at Patriot247, please do. Just got Lance from Ohio (kinda cool). I talked with two Iowa gubernatorial candidates yesterday about it. By the end of the summer, I believe I'll have 10 orgs and about 500 volunteers.

And by the end of the year? I'm pushing for 2,000 to 3,000. Let's get busy!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 6/26/2009 3:35:01 PM

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