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Above His Country


One theme that is consistently clear with our president is his clear disdain for America as it is today. Campaigning on a pledge of "change," he has continued to push the meme. He seeks to change America.

Now I know that his voters thought it was great fashion to vote him into office. It made them feel better about themselves. It might have been because he was the anti-Bush. It might have been because he came across as youthful. It might have been the excitement of electing a black man into our nation's highest office. I know several Obama voters, and I've heard all three reasons for voting him in.

What I didn't hear from any of them was a desire to nationalize industries. I didn't hear a desire to control the banking system. I didn't hear that they felt more fees and taxes needed to come their way. I didn't hear that they wanted deficit spending to rise by multiples.

Who we are is defined by what we do.

Who is Barack Obama? Is he the youthful, peace-loving, polyethnic guy? Or, is he the power-grabbing, free-spending, thin-skinned fella who failed to speak out against tyranny and governmental violence in Iran until the polls said that he must?

Actions, not words.

And he acts like he is above the United States of America. Like he's better than America. Like it's distasteful to have to represent our values of liberty and individual freedom. This is why he seldom talks of liberty and freedom. It's why he hesitates to push other nations toward liberty and freedom. He doesn't really believe in such things. Instead, his sole mission is to flatten this nation into a model of fairness. That's the change he seeks. Not liberty, but fairness. Sameness.

Somewhere along the way, equality in America morphed into fairness. Equal treatment under the law transformed into similar outcomes via the law.

So I ask Obama voters: does he represent you? Did you want the government to take over industries? To hurt our economy through greater taxation and fees? To pass enormous debt to children? Is that what you stand for?

I realize that the fashion of an Obama bumper sticker seems exciting and rebellious, but by your enabling of his actions, you're the reason these things are happening.

Are you proud of that? Is he the instrument of your intentions, or is he just the accessory to your apparel? Because putting a man who perceives himself to be above his country and who works feverishly to change our country toward a socialist model is not attractive about you. You look the fool.

And because all of this debt will be transferred to my children, I blame you. I will fight you, and I will mock you. Because I'm proud of my country, and its historical stand for liberty and freedom. It's a damn shame you're not.


by Brett Rogers, 6/25/2009 10:16:28 AM


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