Twitter is an interesting exercise in brevity. Me, I use it mostly to remind the rubes who voted for and support Obama that the fashion of their Obama support (because that's mostly what it is for them) is not a good look. Supporting Obama is as hip and trendy as an overweight middle-aged man wearing low rise jeans. One of the themes I use is "People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have [insert idiocy here] stamped on their foreheads." Here's my collection. Got any others? People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "I'd rather be bicycling" stamped on their foreheads.People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "I failed adulthood" stamped on their foreheads. People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "Ward of the State" stamped on their foreheads. People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "Net worth is unimportant to me" stamped on their foreheads. People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "What can the govt give me?" stamped on their foreheads. People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "I support taking money from children" stamped on their foreheads. People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "Unemployment is cool" stamped on their foreheads People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "I hate Israel" stamped on their foreheads People with Obama bumper stickers might as well have "I can't do basic math" stamped on their foreheads. For those of us who actually can do math, people who support Obama look like complete idiots amidst 10% unemployment - and climbing. Amidst debt that will bury our kids. Are Obama's supporters compassionate? Not even close. Obama's supporters are concerned only about their fashion and what they can get from the government.If you support him, you look stupid. And greedy. And incapable of math. If you support Obama, you can't connect dots. You don't believe in freedom. Chief among the stupid is Oprah. Is socialism living your best life? Is a weaker America living your best life? Is appeasing thug dictators living your best life? Is burdening children with massive debt living your best life? She's a sham, overripe with the shallow fashion of appearance and a complete lack of American principles. Obama's supporters are hurting my kids' futures, and they deserve my every ridicule. And if you see this mess happening before you and you're still silent about it, you're part of the problem. |