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How to Spin


From this question/answers:

Some people say the nation's current economic problems are due to the recession which began under the Bush Administration. Others say the problems are being caused more by the policies President Obama has put in place since taking office. Which point of view comes closest to your own?

1) Economic problems are due to the recession that began under Bush.
2) Economic problems are caused by policies President Obama has put in place
3) Not sure

If I were asked that question, I would agree that our nation's economic problems started during Bush's tenure. If allowed, I would add that what Obama's doing magnifies the problem in a big way. But of course, that's not captured in the survey.

But from that result, they give you this spin:

62% Say Bush, Not Obama, To Blame For Ongoing Economic Problems
That's not at all what that survey asked, the deceptive rascals.


by Brett Rogers, 6/1/2009 11:16:13 AM



Many years ago, when I was in High School Debate, I found a book that I think will partially explain the situation. Here's the ISBN of a book with the same title: 0393310728. Just plug it into your favourite book monger's site and I think you'll find yourself enlightened.




Posted by Scott Mathews (I'm not telling ...), 6/1/2009 11:23:29 PM

You're too funny :)



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 6/2/2009 8:05:30 AM

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