By the way, regarding Obama's Smart Meter technology initiative... The idea that a Smart Meter, a device that allows the consumer to more easily comprehend their peak energy usage, will invigorate the economy and job creation... A couple of points: Let's take a real-life example. Georgia Power is spending $254 million to replace 2.25 million business and residential meters. That's a cost of about $112 per replacement. From the article, "the meter will be able to help customers manage power consumption by telling them their usage during high-demand times of the day." Does that save energy - by telling me that I'm using a lot of energy? Would that knowledge change my usage? Georgia Power is installing these because it makes reading the meter easier, not because it saves a bunch of money. Well, I take that back. No more "meter man." That job disappears. Cost savings for Georgia Power there... My energy bill for my home here is about $220 a month. I can't imagine that I'll change my lifestyle to consume less electricity for a savings of $20 or $30 a month. Why would I? It's not breaking my bank to consume as I do. In fact, it's worth it to me to consume as I do. Obviously... or I wouldn't do it. So where are the jobs created from this? From Obama's interactive press conference: We could set up systems so that everybody in each house have their own smart meters that will tell you when to turn off the lights, when the peak hours are, can help you sell back energy that you've generated in your home through a solar panel or through other mechanisms. All this can be done, but it also creates jobs right now. Our biggest problem, we don't have enough electricians to lay all these lines out there. Ahem... Georgia Power has already replaced about 1 million customers' meters. They're scheduled to be done in 2011. Project managed. So evidently we have enough folks at the power companies to do this already - it's well underway.Also, this kills jobs. The meter man is replaced. Gone. Why does this guy get away with outright lies? I mentioned in a previous post that what creates jobs is increased productivity and greater profitability. Is turning down electricity during peak usage going to increase productivity? The few bucks saved by the few individuals who will change their consumption because of these devices - will they run out and start companies with their savings? Oh, wait... that would require energy consumption. Kind of defeats the purpose... so probably no jobs there either. And of course, taxing the high income earners won't encourage job creation... What a head-scratcher, these magical jobs. No doubt traded for a cow on the way to his presidency. But then cows are a source of methane and carbon dioxide, so maybe by getting rid of the cow and acquiring these magic jobs he'll find golden eggs and we'll all be rich. Or maybe it's just a fairy tale. |